ExtJS Introduction

ExtJS Introduction

I have spent a lot of time lately working with the Ext JS javascript library, and decided it would be worth it to share my tips, tricks, hints, and overall experience.  I originally started using the library a couple years ago during my senior projects class in college.  There still seems to be a web page up describing the project…  Overall, the project didn’t end too well – but it did get me a good start in web development.

My current project these days has me building ridiculously large Ext JS applications – forcing me to dig deep and learn the intricacies of Ext JS best practices for design, performance, extensibility, and new features.  Although there is nothing specifically helpful in this post as it is just the introduction to the series, I do already have posts in the works to talk about performance surrounding events and listeners as well as performance surrounding rendering.

If anyone would like to see a post on a specific Ext JS section – please drop me a comment.

2 thoughts on “ExtJS Introduction

  1. I had a problem about the Ext.ux.maximgb.tg.EditorGridPanel ,Why it can’t edit
    can you tell me
    thank you very much

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